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♥ Saturday, June 27, 2009 @ 7:52 AM
`家长日~ 咳~今天~不懂为什么就是没那种紧张的感觉。。 上一次~紧张~ 看了自己的成绩~进步了~老师说我进步很多~可是我没开心的感觉~ 一整天,就是没有为自己的成绩开心过~ 我并没达到自己的目标~ 明明就很努力了,就是达不到~ 跟淑涵料聊到下课练习的东西。。和section的东西~ 我觉得自己真是无可要就。。 姐说看我平时练琴的态度就知道我是那种~懒惰。。 姐问我为什么不去下课练习,我不懂要怎样回她~ 交流会时,说过一定要下课练习~可是却整个星期没去~ 这样,我进管乐有什么意思~听了淑涵的话,很想哭~ 整个section只有嘉仪在撑着~走了后,我们会怎样~不堪设想。。 嘉仪,对不起。。。我说要下课练习,可是却没有~ 在学校,看到嘉仪,我不敢给她看到。。。逃避她~ 她的心里,是不是会想。。。你为什么没去练习?我很怕~ 每次,很怕~ 怕section的人会问~ 我答应了淑涵要下课练习~就一定要。。 傻瓜-盈 Labels: 不愉快的我 ♥ Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 5:43 AM
`父亲节* 今天 老爸普通~ 没什么异常~ 哈哈 我问他要什么东西~ 他说叫我请吃~ 哈哈~我说我没那么多的钱。。 他就笑。。 过后他说我买什么都可以~ 我们买了一张卡~ 哈哈~我和姐写了许多东东给爸~ 还没送给他~ 给他惊喜~ 老爸,父亲节快乐!! 我爱你。。 傻瓜-盈 ♥ @ 5:15 AM
`昨天~我大姐21岁生日。。 昨天~家里很热闹。。 因为我大姐21岁了。。 我妈说要开自助餐... 就开了~ 昨天,我大姐超美的~ 开心哦~ 昨天,我忙了几下。。哈哈 带小妹妹上厕所。。哈哈 客厅里包满了许多小孩子~ 我妈叫我拿小时候的masak-masak给他们玩~ 哈哈。。可爱~ 拿了后,各各都过来玩~ 想起小时候,就好笑~ 我姐有四个蛋糕~一个蛋糕有三层~第一次吃三层蛋糕哦~ 另一个是jelly蛋糕~很美哦~ 上面写着21st happy birthday... 我妈说是她的几个朋友做的。。。 哇~^^ 那个三层蛋糕上面有一把金钥匙~ 代表。。。可以飞了~哈哈 我爸朋友的孩子都很会唱歌~ 哈哈~ 昨天,我们都很夜睡。。黑眼圈又深了~>_< 我一点多才睡~累。。有他陪我~ 我姐五点多。。。跟她的朋友~ 几时又轮到我呢?通常第一个拥有的最好。。 最后一个,什么也没了~ 大姐,生日快乐哦!! 虽然过了~哈哈 长大了~ 傻瓜-盈 ♥ Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 12:32 AM
`发冷~ 今天离开学还有9个小时。。 看了朋友的部落格。。。看到一半~我全身发冷~ 我不懂我的身体发生什么怪东东?! 我很怕生病~ 要吃那苦苦的药~ 很辛苦。。。 去了集训营后,嘴唇的皮脱了少许~ 没喝很多水~ 鸡皮疙瘩出完来了。。 为什么这种天气,每次弄到人这样~~? 傻瓜-盈 >_< ♥ Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 5:14 AM
`never had a dream come true....... Oooh-oooh Everybody's got something They had to leave behind One regret from yesterday That just seems to grow with time There's no use looking back or wondering (Or wondering) How it could be now or might have been (Or might have been) All this I know but still I can't find ways To let you go I never had a dream come true 'Til the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby I never found the words to say You're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be with you, yeah Somewhere in my memory I've lost all sense of time (ah-ha, ha-ha) And tommorow can never be 'Cos yesterday is all that fills my mind There's no use looking back or wondering (Wondering) How it should be now or might have been (Or might have been) All this I know but still I can't find ways To let you go I never had a dream come true 'Til the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby I never found the words to say You're the one I think about each day And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be You'll always be the dream that fills my head Yes you will, say you will You know you will, oh baby You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget It's no use looking back or wondering (Or wondering) Because love is a strange and funny thing (And funny thing) No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye, no, no, no, no I never had a dream come true 'Til the day that I found you Even though I pretend that I've moved on You'll always be my baby I never found the words (Never found the words to say) to say You're the one I think about each day (each day) And I know no matter where life takes me to A part of me will always be A part of me will always be with you, ooh ^_^ying ♥ Friday, June 12, 2009 @ 12:15 AM
`这几天。集训营 第一天。。淑涵+国霖滴生日 很好玩。玩团康~ 传木瓜,还要捏它~恶心。。 不过很好玩。。 当我拿时,粘粘的+水水的~ 音乐停了。。培镱拿到那个木瓜,结果他抽到要被画脸。。 过后。。 我们练习~ “乱打” 练的过程中,我们有很多笑场~超好笑的~ 我发现铭权很认真。。他的招牌动作,我永远记得~哈哈 我的脚指“黑青”了。。痛~被扫把的棍压了下去~ 不过没关系。。没那么严重~ 我们练习时~很好听~ 我才知道原来我们身边每样东西都能成为音乐~ 打的时候,手很痛~红完了~ 每个人的手也是。。。 开始,我不懂怎样打那个节奏。。多亏铭权他们教我~ 我不明~为什么我总是跟不上那个节奏~ 过后还可以。。 当我能打得差不多的时候,铭权他们竟拍手说很好。。 我心想,我都没那么好,而且偶尔还是跟不上,为什么要拍手~ 他们真的很好~压制很努力得教会我~ 我不懂为什么我好像“疯了”。。。 一直笑~在集训营的第三天。。 我跟培镱想到。。在集训营的第二天。。 戏剧比赛。。铭权。。训导主任~他的声音演到很好笑~ 哈哈~ 第二天。。 我们在彩排戏剧时~ 泳泉的发型。。超好笑~ 他演公主。。 我们要用七首不同的音乐去想那些剧情~ 哈哈~ 第一天晚上,mv大赛。。 我们组长抽到的歌是“eat you up" 过后我们很想换~ 就跟percussion换了~ 换到的歌是‘花蝴蝶”。。。 我跟培镱在练舞时。。 很多动作不会~ 扭那个腰。。 扭到很好笑~ 整身很痛~ >.< 过后呈现~ trumpet,"sexyhorn"很好笑。。 得胜的招牌动作~哈哈 到了最后一天~很舍不得~ 我们呈现“乱打”。。 每个人都很紧张~ 过后,我们很意外~ 因为我们的组赢了? 。。。 第二天晚上~ 有各section的交流会~ 我们的section有很多人哭了。。 我也哭了~不懂为什么,我总是觉得我们的section不够团结~ 我觉得自己很差~懒惰-下课练习没练~对不起~ clarinet加油哦!过后,我们一点多才交流完。。 之后,就讲“鬼故事”。。 很吓人~ 我有一点睡不着~ 原以为半夜有我们管乐的传统游戏。。。 结果没有~ 不过,醒来也是第二天了~ 这几天都很夜才入梦~ 黑眼圈深了啦~ 最后一天的精神也没那么好~ 过后,解善后。。。 有一种很舍不得的感觉~ 很想哭~ 我发现~我们管乐团很像一个大家庭。。 这几天,真的增进了大家的感情~ 我爱你,管乐团~ clarinet .......gambateh o!! 我忘了我们的口号。。哈哈 不好意思~ 只懂我们是“爱迪生” 哈哈~爱竖笛的学生。。 管乐团~永不分离~~ 傻瓜-盈 ♥ Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 12:55 AM
`期待 明天就是集训营了。。 好期待~ 第一次在学校过夜~ 要收拾东西~>< 我四姐今天去了学校~ 干部训练营。。。 我四姐@我都不在,表妹她们。。 说~很闷。。 她们星期三就要回马六甲了哦。。 我和姐星期四才回来~ “再见”这两个字。。不能在当天跟你们说~ 希望你们不会那么闷咯~ 哈哈。。 tata~ ♥ Wednesday, June 3, 2009 @ 2:52 AM
`今天的我。不知怎么了? 怎么了。。 我表妹吓我。。 很多次。。 不过没关系~ 当她再吓的那一次,我竟轰她~ 我在做什么?? 我吓到了她~>< 我为什么要酱大声? 对不起~ 我是在发脾气吗? 对不起~ 我很怕她哭。。 过后,她假假弄我,她还很开心。。 我放心很多了。。 >< ^^谢谢你的开心,让我放心了许多~ 傻瓜-盈 ♥ Tuesday, June 2, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
`taylor swifT........LOV3 story We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts: I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air. See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd and say hello; Little did I know That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet." And I was crying on the staircase, begging you, 'Please, don't go.' And I said, "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.' So I sneak out to the garden to see you. We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew. So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while. 'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter, And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet," But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,' And I said, "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.' Romeo save me; they're tryin' to tell me how to feel. This love is difficult, but it's real. Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess. It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.' I got tired of waiting, Wondering if you were ever comin' around. My faith in you was fading When I met you on the outskirts of town. And I said, "Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-" He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "Marry me, Juliet. you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress; It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.' Oh, oh. We were both young when I first saw you... |